Monday 3 November 2008

A long waffle.....sorry.

Due to popular demand...., well more like hassle from one particular person (you know who you are) I have pulled my finger out and found time to write a new post. I'm not planning to right about anything in particular, although it may turn out that way by the end, I'm just going to ramble about what ever pops into my head.

Well first of all I think I need to apologise, I didn't realise that it had been over a month since I last posted. Since then a fare few things have happened, my daughter has had her first birthday, I've finally managed to pay off my credit card, Halloween has been and gone with bonfire night fast approaching, Lewis Hamilton has won the F1 wold championship and something has managed to put a hole in our conservatory roof during the winds.

So in no particular order........

Credit cards are a pain in the arse..., don't get me wrong they are very useful but once you start to use them you tend to get on a very slippery slope which get more difficult to get off the longer time goes on. When I first got my credit card I told myself it was for me to use in case of an emergency or for when I was on holiday. As far as I know paying for a day trip to Liverpool shopping and spending £200 on a night out every weekend doesn't count as an emergency. Luckily I manage to drag myself out of that particular hole with the help of a personal loan, although the bank did sell me another credit card when I went into get the loan???!!! I managed to justify to myself that I was young, foolish and didn't know any better. That might have worked when I was 21 but it didn't quite ring true the second time round when I was 26/27 and also had a mortgage to pay.

Sorry, i just realised how utterly depressing this is sounding, especially considering the current economic goings on. I shall shorten this story considerably by saying I have now completely paid of the credit card and have managed to keep the balance at zero for two months now. This has resulted in a very nice and healthy looking balance on my current account. Yippee !!!!

On the 4Th October my little princess turn 1, which just seems crazy. It feels like it was only yesterday when me and Lynsey were coming out of the hospital to take her home. She was all wrapped up under some blankets that a family friend had knitted especially for her. She looked so cosy and warm in her car seat and I had such an overwhelming feeling of pride and happiness. A year later and she continues to make me so happy and now she has her own personality a day doesn't pass when she makes me laugh for one reason or another. I sometimes find myself sitting staring at her still wondering if this is just a dream or whether I have actually made this beautiful perfect little person. Thankfully it isn't a dream and I have made this perfect person, with a little help from Lynsey of course.

Halloween was a bit of a non event for me this year, well in terms of Hop-Tu-naa any way. I went out on the Friday to a mates house to have a night of Texas Hold em with the boys. Considering I haven't played for almost a year I was quite happy with the result, I didn't win but I was not the first out by a long way. Considering I was out till the early hours of Saturday morning and I only lost £20 it was a good night. The only downside for the evening was that it did finish so late. I know that I just said that this was a good thing but there is a reason for me contradicting myself. My Mother-in-law had come up to the house to keep Lynsey company and as it was Halloween they had planned to spend the evening watching 'Most Haunted Live'. As any dutiful son-in-law could see this was an opportunity for a good prank. My plan was to creep back after poker, this was in the assumption I would get knocked out early, and get into the house through the back door. I would then wait for the perfect moment to burst through the door into the lounge and scare the Sh1t out of the both of them. But as the saying goes, 'best laid plans...etc'

Well my Sunday ended with me first shouting abuse at the TV, or more accurately Lewis Hamilton and then bouncing around on the sofa in absolute joy when he then proceeded to take back 5th place on the second to last corner. What a finish!!
I'd felt pretty nervous for the whole race, the only time I had felt like this before was when I was racing myself. Unfortunately this wasn't in F1 but that's a different story. By the time that last 10 laps started I was in a complete mess but all came good in the end and I can now look forward to next years championship.

Well I don't know about you but my eyes are sore after typing all of that so apologies if your feeling the same after reading it. I'd also like to say congratulations for getting all the way to the end with out falling asleep.

One final thing, I finally managed to catch up with a good friend today who was back on the Island. He's been back a few times since he moved to the big rock across the water but for one reason or another we haven't managed to meet up before today. Hopefully it won't be so long till the next time we see each other and hopefully we will be able to catch up properly and reminisce about our HSBC days.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

great to see you back on the blog trail. Next time I promise I'll stay at yours so we can catch up properly. Great to see all three of you, Jas is a very cutie. x