Saturday 20 September 2008

Night Race

Well it's less than a week until the first "night race" in F1 history and I'm really excited. Not because it's a night race but because it is a new 'true' street curcuit. I know that we have had the Valencia GP but that neither used day to day roads or was anything like the traditional street race..., except the lack ofovertaking.

To be honest everyone is making alot of the "night race" gimmick, which is wat it is. If you actually look at what the organisors have done in the way of lighting the qualiy of light will actually be better than daylight! So from a drivers point of view they won't notice any difference! There won't be one inch of track unlit and there won't even be any shadows cast on the track because of the way that the lighting is constructed.

So while I think it is great that it's at night, because I won't have to get up at some stupid time in the morning, I don't think it's going to make that mugh of a difference.

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