Thursday 11 September 2008

I must have been mad!!

I was at work yesterday chatting with a friend, trying to pass the time until I could go home. The conversation turned to fishing, don't ask me why but it did, anyway we agreed we would go down to Peel and see if we had any luck.

After about an hour of fishing it became very apparent that this had been an extremely bad idea. Not only were the seals out in force, meaning you had to race to get any fish on the end of your line on dry land before the seal took it. But the wind and rain were so bad you could have been mistaken in thinking hurricane Ike had taken a slight diversion.

I must admit I did know there was a good chance of rain, and I was wearing my nice big waterproof coat, but even this let me down as within no time at all I found myself soaked to the skin. I could of put up with the rain but the wind, the wind was something else. At one point it was that strong and swirling round the lighthouse at the end of the pier that much a water spout was forming in one of the bigger puddles.

Needless to say this put an end to our little fishing trip, and we all trudged off to our cars and off home.

On the plus side I did catch 4 fish!!

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