Friday 7 November 2008

Where in the Higway code can I find........

....where it tells you the size of car you should have.

I figure there must be a section on this that I missed when I was taking may test several years ago. Well at least that's my theory anyway.

How else can you explain the phenomenon of big people, by which I mean obese & tall, buying the smallest possible car on the market.

This has puzzled me for a while now. I often see them in Tescos car park after doing their fortnightly shop.., well I assume it's fortnightly as the amount they're buying would certainly last me 2 weeks. They cram all that food, the cleaning products and whatever else they have bought into the back of their car. They then go to the car door pull out their shoe horn or crow bar and wedge themselves into their stupid little Smart car or Micra.

Surely from a comfort point of view you would want to get a car that you don't need to rub the tub of Flora you've just bought all over yourself to get in. I don't want to sound cruel or anything but surely they can't of thought "that's the car for me" when they walked into the Micra dealership. Maybe there should be some sort of legislation passed by government so that there is some duty of care placed on car salesmen. Or maybe one of those signs that you get at the funfair, you know the ones "If you are under this height you can't go on the ride". You would obviously have to change the wording on it.

Now I used to think that this strange occurrence was limited to the larger of the species, that was until this morning. I was crossing the road outside work and a BMW X5 went past, now for those of you who aren't petrol heads these are BIG 4x4s, anyway I took a good look as I do like the X5. To my disbelief the X5 appeared to be on auto pilot as I couldn't see any one behind the wheel. It was only when it was right in front of me that I could see that there was someone behind the wheel. The only thing was they were tiny, not much bigger than a 4 year old child.

Why on earth would someone so small by such a big car..., I just don't understand. The poor man could hardly see over the wheel, I bet if he got stopped by the Police they would have to help him off his booster seat and out of the car to question him. if anyone can point me in the direction of the section in the Highway code I can make sure that I have the right size car.

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