Monday 18 August 2008


I have just spent the last 20 minutes setting up my profile, writing my 'About Me' section, choosing the layout of my blog and all the other stuff I had to do before I could actually post something. I must confess that now that I have waded through all of this I'm not entirely sure of what I am going to right about.

I first stumbled across this site when a friend had a link to his blog on his facebook page. At this point I must highly recommend giving his blog a read (, after reading the first couple of posts on his blog I was completely hooked. Over the last few months I have found them to be a great source of humour, of thought prevoking tales and of just a way of keeping in touch with an old friend. Over the last few weeks the enjoyment I have experienced by reading his blogs has been replaced by something else, something new to me. I have been inspired, inspired to write my own blog. Now I don't know how long this will last, whether it will be a flash in the pan or whether I will still be sat here in my 40s tapping away on the keys of my laptop. I've never been into writing down my thoughts or anything else for that matter so this really will be interesting, for me anyway, as to how long this will continue to get update.

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